moonunit_zappa (Twitter)
About 1000 followed / followers but no twits
lionel (realgoodstuff) (Twitter)
Block the empty Twitterer now.
Filed under Twitter | Comment (0)Horny Kitty (xyhinljldmap) (Twitter)
Block this twitter spammer now.
Filed under Twitter | Comment (0)sarahjlab (Twitter)
This user is spamming the same link in personally directed spam. Over 3000 updates and not following anyone. Only 9 followers but the link is supposedly for a singles site but is actually a pantyhose sales site.
Block Now:
Filed under Twitter | Comment (0)Mass Twitter Cleanup
Twitter suspended a lot of spam and bot accounts today. Here are a few accounts that we’ve reported to them in the past that still haven’t been banned.
Block Now: (fake celebrity, pornographic background image, spammy tweets) (retweets the same link every hour with completely unrelated text) (porn spammer who violated Twitter’s terms of service by fraudulently impersonating us by signing up with our e-mail address; originally posted on Twitspam here)
Filed under Twitter | Comment (0)Jenna Johnson (Jenna_JJ) (Twitter)
Twitter Bot anlysing streams for keywords and then systematically peddling adverts.
Block Jenna Johnson (Jenna_JJ) now.
Filed under Twitter | Comment (0)Buyu1343 (Twitter)
This spammer is putting out get rich scams and abusing the trending topics keywords.
Block Now:
Filed under Twitter | Comment (0)leon4333 (Twitter Spam)
No face, no following, only advertising a “get new followers quick” scheme.
Filed under Twitter | Comment (0)Adult Profile Spam Cloud
These accounts are spamming people to attract traffic.
Filed under Twitter | Comment (0)