Feifei Ouyang [jssxj1980] (Plurk)
Obvious spammer.
Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)criscawley (Plurk)
This user (“Charrissa Cawley”) keeps plurking the same spamvertisement over and over again.
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Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)starcitizen (Plurk)
This user (“adriana diaz”) is mass-fanning people to get more profile views, as evidenced by 1079+ profile views in only 8 days on Plurk. The account is largely used to spamvertise the user’s blog and other sites with which she is affiliated.
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Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)denversolarguy (Plurk)
This user (“Denver Solarguy”) appears to have created this Plurk account for no other purpose than to spam his blog. Brand new account (joined sometime within the past 11 days, and the single plurk was posted 6 hours ago) and already has 1397+ views, meaning this user is following massive amounts of users to drive views to his Plurk profile (and thus his blog).
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Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)zararealty (Plurk)
This user (aka “Kunal Nasseir”) appears to be nothing more than an advertiser for a realty/apartment business. So far the user has only plurked advertisements and links to the company’s homepage.
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Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)tms61580 (Plurk)
This user (aka “tara silber”) has fanned over 200 users in her first day on Plurk, but the really spammy thing is that all of her plurks so far contain only a link to her site, nothing more.
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Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)beads4gigs (Plurk)
This user has fanned an enormous number of users, driving (so far) well over 10,000 hits to her Plurk profile since February. Until the beginning of April, the user continuously posted her URL in nearly every plurk.
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Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)fotosppf (Plurk)
This user (aka “fotoblogppf”) sent out a massive number of friend requests, and he posts his URL in nearly every plurk.
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Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)EzMoney (Plurk)
This is another get rich quick spammer on Plurk
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Filed under Plurk | Comment (0)Enlightenment (Plurk)
This user lists his real name as “Online Degree.” As if that isn’t sketchy enough, the main purpose of the account seems to be to add people as friends so they’ll get an e-mail alert, go to his user page and find links to his site which is loaded with affiliate links for online universities.
User Page: http://www.plurk.com/Enlightenment
Block User: http://plurk.com/Friends/blockUser?block_uid=3281413
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