#iranelection SPAM & Trolls

June 18th, 2009

In order to keep the posts size down, we’re splitting the SPAM and Trolls from the Disinfo

Note: Troll is someone who does something controversial or offensive for the sole purpose of making people mad (a.k.a. “for the lulz”).

Note 2: Just because someone is pro-Ahmedijad does not mean they are trolls/disinfo.


  • http://twitter.com/kimjongii (Trolling #iranaelection as Kim Jong Il)
  • http://twitter.com/feralcatz (Trolling Green movement and supporters)
  • http://twitter.com/2009ismy1776 (Another troll trying to perform fake edits to Wikipedia)
  • http://twitter.com/niggerfucker (Obvious Troll) NEW!
  • http://twitter.com/johnjay1788 (Troll who is preaching violence)
  • http://twitter.com/IranTactics (Trying to incite violence with messages, hash abuse)
  • http://twitter.com/SashaObamasCunt (Obvious troll)
  • http://twitter.com/niggerlovers (Obvious troll spamming the same message)
  • http://twitter.com/ThrowStuff (reply spamming about new flash game about Iran Election)
  • http://twitter.com/TWlTTERis4FAGS (Obvious Troll)
  • http://twitter.com/BarackWrightJr (Posting a pornographic image; spamming #iranelection with it)
  • http://twitter.com/myAIDS (Trolling to increase traffic to site)
  • http://twitter.com/AIR_CAV (Another troll posting same message over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/mshake13 (Trolling #iranelection)
  • http://twitter.com/nocussingclub (Abusing hash tags to spam pornographic image)
  • http://twitter.com/LDGrant2007 (another troll trying to incite with same message over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/erections (changing users messages  to inappropriate message)
  • https://twitter.com/TGskills (Troll posting same message over and over)
  • https://twitter.com/Mikecollor (Another troll posting same message over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/tomkooze (Another #iranelection troll)
  • http://twitter.com/srgaurbin_2006 (Troll posting same message over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/TangoInTehran (Troll posting same message over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/MuhammedJarid (troll who is posting messages of hatred)
  • http://twitter.com/gregftlaud (Troll who is saying there are no protests over and over.)
  • http://twitter.com/IranHxT (Appears to be trolling about how pointless the whole protest is.)


  • http://twitter.com/AmericaAlways (Spamming #iranelection with conspiracy theories)
  • http://twitter.com/JudicialProcess (Spamming #iranelection with conspiracy theories)
  • http://twitter.com/playerforlife1 (Spamming message boards)
  • http://twitter.com/Dr_Lyssenko (Link spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/ricardop23 (spamming #iranelection with SPAM) NEW!
  • http://twitter.com/jamesm86 (spamming #iranelection with SPAM) NEW!
  • http://twitter.com/timw60 (spamming #iranelection with SPAM) NEW!
  • http://twitter.com/anothnyg58 (spamming #iranelection with SPAM) NEW!
  • http://twitter.com/for_good_cause (mixing Petition link with eBay SPAM to appear legitimite) NEW!
  • http://twitter.com/lefayad1991 (Spamming same link again and again)
  • http://twitter.com/lunanueva1986 (Spamming same link again and again)
  • http://twitter.com/aa27702 (Spamming #iranelection with same message about China)
  • http://twitter.com/siavosh1992 (Spamming link that goes to vote on a site; abusing #iranelection)
  • http://twitter.com/terroristname (Another spammer with no updates, mass following, spamming site in profile)
  • http://twitter.com/mindylnne333 (Abusing Keywords and hash tags to spam)
  • http://twitter.com/jmgmoney (Abusing Keywords to spam)
  • http://twitter.com/lucindashonna (Abusing hash tags, eBay spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/Ninja_Blue (another link spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/gambler84 (Hash tag abuser and adult website spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/gambler86 (Hash tag abuser and adult website spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/RivaKai (Another Ebay Spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/irantehran001 (Conspiracy spammer, same message over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/KeniaPhylicia (Another EBay link spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/blogstech (Absuing #iranelection to spam his webdesign services)
  • http://twitter.com/truthAmerican (Continuously spamming #iranelection with pro-Ahmed propaganda)
  • http://twitter.com/Rhythmhouse (Calling for violence, spamming the same message)
  • http://twitter.com/ceerf (Another link spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/bloomingtehran (Spamming with same message over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/stasgold (Brand new hashtag abuser)
  • http://twitter.com/pussyfart (Was Spamming offense message now Spamming nice message; but still spamming)
  • http://twitter.com/khaled211 (Empty profile & no updates)
  • http://twitter.com/khoramdin2009 (posting same link to same story dozens of times)
  • http://twitter.com/TheJamsMusic (Using Iran Election tag to spam for own music site)
  • http://twitter.com/falseprophetakb (Nazi symbolism; claims Mohammad is a “false prophet” hence the username, and name is “HowardStern”)
  • http://twitter.com/IRFORREAL (fake url for unrelated site)
  • http://twitter.com/ohaitere (Alternating between a false report of Mousavi death and SPAM about iPhones)
  • http://twitter.com/jfcrow (few tweets, all appear to be random keywords)
  • http://twitter.com/Karmuk (Retweeting same message over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/mikehiavelli (Same tweets over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/globalmeeting (Same tweets over and over)
  • http://twitter.com/fanglepants (Half of links are SPAM, others are for a forum discussion)
  • http://twitter.com/Macrostiff (Using fake RTs — all of them are the same — to promote a video)
  • http://twitter.com/Energy_Helpline (abusing #iranelection to push Energy Management)

Link Bot Ip Trackers

Tub Girl Spam on #iranelection

  • (Left blank)

Goatse SPAM on #iranelection (Mostly SA’s FYAD)

  • http://twitter.com/Ahmad_Shiraz NEW!
  • http://twitter.com/PopularThought (YTMND Goatse) NEW!
  • http://twitter.com/the_real_shaqil
  • http://twitter.com/icecube1337 (Another Goatse spammer)
  • https://twitter.com/SueJohansen (Another Goatse spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/lordghost (Another Goatse spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/dontoverthink (Another Goatse spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/greasyasspizza (Another Goatse spammer)
  • https://twitter.com/arrested (Retweeting Goatse Spam links)
  • http://twitter.com/brendlewhat (Another Goatse Spammer)
  • https://twitter.com/Chocobunniesxx (Another goatse spammer)
  • https://twitter.com/Toby1776 (Another goatse spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/IranFeedReport (Another goatse spammer)
  • https://twitter.com/justxxwontlast (Another goatse spammer)
  • https://twitter.com/iranianlecturer (Another goatse spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/RobbotElRobbo (Spreading false reports)
  • https://twitter.com/IranFreeMedia (Another goatse spammer)
  • https://twitter.com/1D4TW (Retweeted a known goatse message and then claims to know nothing about it.)
  • http://twitter.com/dick_dracula (Another goatse spammer)
  • http://twitter.com/greenfree07
  • http://twitter.com/worldpressnews (all links are to infamous Goatse pic)
  • http://twitter.com/louis_friend (Tweets are obviously fake, includes obscene links such as the infamous Goatse pics)
  • http://twitter.com/jamal1986 (all links are to infamous Goatse pic)
  • http://twitter.com/hoobastank_band (all links are to infamous Goatse pic and is faking RTs)
  • http://twitter.com/WorldNewsUpdate (all links are to infamous Goatse pic)
  • http://twitter.com/atcatsf (all links are to infamous Goatse pic)
  • http://twitter.com/NEWS_4U (Goatse hidden by TinyURL)
  • http://twitter.com/busticle (Goatse hidden by TinyURL)
  • http://twitter.com/FightingForIran (Goatse hidden by TinyURL)

17 Responses to “#iranelection SPAM & Trolls”

  1. nuztorad on June 18, 2009 3:48 am

    AraNKee is very likely a rat/troll.

  2. avokicchi on June 18, 2009 3:49 am

    TheJamsMusic on Twitter seems to span all iranian election related channels with self promotion of his\her music.

  3. admin on June 18, 2009 4:00 am

    It has been added to the list. Thanks.

  4. okzygen on June 18, 2009 5:19 am

    iranian_stud is spamming the same tweets over and over again.

  5. ‏היתוך קר למפגרים » where’s my goatse?‎‏ on June 18, 2009 3:24 pm

    [...] #iranelection SPAM & Trolls at Twitspam תגובות ב- RSS 2.0. אפשר להגיב או לטרקבק  [...]

  6. #iranelection SPAM & Trolls at Twitspam | dSECURE.NET on June 20, 2009 5:56 am

    [...] rest is here: #iranelection SPAM & Trolls at Twitspam Share and [...]

  7. rkowalik on June 21, 2009 12:14 am


  8. admin on June 21, 2009 7:26 am

    They have been added to the list. Thanks

  9. emilymhanson on June 21, 2009 11:43 am

    Hi, I have been following the Iranelection thread all weekend. My heart goes out to the protesters.

    I suspect zapataser is just a kid, he is posting a lot of obviously made-up news.

  10. E.anonymous on June 21, 2009 3:27 pm

    Please add FreeIranState and iranintel.

  11. Anthonyb15 on June 22, 2009 7:06 pm

    please add this username

  12. Anthonyb15 on June 22, 2009 7:15 pm

    another spammer

  13. admin on June 22, 2009 7:55 pm

    They have been on the list for a few days now.

  14. Anthonyb15 on June 22, 2009 8:54 pm

    sorry, i hadnt seen them

  15. Fake Iran election Tweeters at Twitspam on June 26, 2009 7:21 pm

    [...] also check Trolls & SPAM for other [...]

  16. jadt65 on August 26, 2009 10:56 pm

    Please ckeck user Bob_Rooney on Twitter #iranelection. posting vulgar & sexually explicit comments. Thanks!

  17. admin on September 7, 2009 6:59 am

    There dont seem to be any posts by this user, however, we will keep an eye on it.

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